Task Lists and Logs in Hitch were created to help Administrators stay organized and efficient when assisting Hitch orders from start to finish. It allows you to see the progress of any order in real time and generates tasks and task lists to help manage your actions.
Types of Task Lists
Hitch admins have 6 kinds of task lists:
1. My Tasks
Tasks assigned to you.
2. Review Order Chat
New and existing driver chats that need review/response on your orders.
3. All Tasks
All tasks within your Hitch instance.
4. Order Escalations
Includes the following tasks for Available orders:
- Adjust Payment
- Claimed & Assigned Order: No ETA
- Claimed Order: Assign Driver and Provide ETA
- Driver Rejected
- Pickup ETA was Updated
- Post to CD
- Release from Hold
- Review Missed Pickup ETA
- Review Order Chat
Review Unclaimed Order
5. TP Escalations
Includes the following tasks for Claimed and On Hold orders:
- Adjust Payment
- Claimed & Assigned Order: No ETA
- Claimed Order: Assign Driver and Provide ETA
- Communication Follow-up
- Driver Rejected
- Help Get Driver Assigned
- Pickup ETA was Updated
- Post to CD
- Release from Hold
- Review Missed Pickup ETA
- Review Order Chat
- Review Unclaimed Order
6. Driver Escalations
Includes the following tasks for Assigned orders:
- Adjust Payment
- Assistance Needed: Dropoff ETA Needed
- Assistance Needed: Pickup ETA Missed
- Claimed & Assigned Order: No ETA
- Claimed Order: Assign Driver and Provide ETA
- Driver Rejected
- Dropoff ETA Needed
- Dropoff ETA was Updated
- Help Driver Accept & Provide ETA
- Order stuck in Arrived Status
- Payment Waiting for Charges too long
- Pickup ETA was Updated
- Post to CD
- Release from Hold
- Review Missed Dropoff ETA
- Review Missed Pickup ETA
- Review Order Chat
- Review Unclaimed Order
7. Completed Tasks
Includes the following tasks for Completed orders:
- Adjust Fare
- Adjust Payment
- Approve Fare Change
- Approve Payment Change
- Cancel - Duplicate
- Changed Vehicle Information
- Charge Success taking too long
- Damage Claim
- Not Delivered
- Payment Increase Request
Viewing Task Lists and Task Logs
View a task list by clicking the list name under Tasks in the left column menu.
Once you’re viewing a list, you can view a task’s log by clicking the eyeball icon for that task. The blue dot indicates if a task has been viewed (blue dot = not viewed, no blue dot = already viewed). The blue dot cannot be reset.
Clicking the eyeball icon to view a task opens another section on the right showing the order details and task log.
Under Selected Tasks on the right, click the down arrow at the far right to view and modify the task log (due date, assignee, priority, collaborators, tags, description, etc.) or add a comment to the task. Clicking “Close” at the bottom right will complete the task.
Order Details, Contacts and Notifications
- Vehicle(s) in order
- Transporter contact nfo
- Driver contact info
- Pickup contact info and address
- Dropoff contact info and address
- Pricing
- Bill of Lading (downloadable)
- Activity timeline
The Notifications tab keeps track of transporters that have been contacted about the order by Email, SMS (text), mobile push (from the app), etc. Contacts logged on the Contacts tab show up here.
Click the little arrow icon next to a transporter to view more details about each attempt to contact that transporter. You can also hover over the blue message icon to view the message that was sent.
Searching, Filtering and Sorting Task Lists
“Search by any parameter” at the top left searches all table information.
- To search within a specific column, you MUST first click the header for that column. If you don’t click the column you want, it will search against ALL columns viewable in the table.
- Search is based on the companies selected at the top right. If you do not select any company, it will search ALL companies.
- “Search” within the Columns and Filters tabs on the right searches for columns and filters you can add to your table.
- Columns you add to the table will automatically be added at the far right. You can drag columns to reorganize them.
- To use a Filter, make a selection and then click “Apply.”
- Each column can also be searched/filtered by clicking the menu (3 horizontal lines) at the top right of each column.
- You can also sort the data by clicking a column header and dragging it to the grey bar at the top (“Drag here to set row groups”). For example, you could drag the header for “Task Name” and this will group all tasks by name.
- “Refresh” at the top right loads new info/orders that may have been added while viewing your task list. Your current settings will remain in place.
Default task list settings are defined by your company’s View Config Admin. Users can modify their task lists (adding/removing/moving columns, etc.) but those changes are only for YOUR account. Click the “Reset Table Settings” button at the top right to view your company’s default table settings. If the Reset button is greyed out, you are already viewing the default settings.